• Sony Ericsson Xperia Arc 2.3.4 (4.0.1.A.0.238) Update
    October 20, 2011 - 1 minute read -
    android arc xperia update sony panorama v4.0.1.A.0.238 ericsson ota 2.3.4 2.3.3

    Recently Sony Ericsson released an update for the Xperia Arc, taking it from 2.3.3 to 2.3.4.

    The updates include the following notable changes:

    - Screenshot option (via the Power button menu)

    -Built in Swipe keyboard

    - 3D Gallery application

    - 3D/Sweep Panorama photo camera functionality

    - Zoom during Video mode functionality

    - Updated Time Widget

    - Updated Facebook integration

    - Automatic brightness option

    -xLOUD speaker loudness option

    - McAfee Security application pre-loaded

    - Video/Music Unlimited applications pre-loaded

    - Data Monitor application

    The update is available OTA via Sony Ericsson's PC Companion software.






  • Looping through key/value pairs from a Perl scalar hash reference
    September 13, 2011 - 1 minute read -
    perl looping key value pairs hash reference scalar

    If you’ve got a hash ( %hash ), it’s easy enough to loop through all the key/value pairs with the following:

    foreach my $key ( keys %hash )
    print "key: $key, value: $hash{$key}\n";

    We could reference the hash with:

     $href = \%hash; 

    As the hash element is scalar, the $ notation is used.

    To access the key/value pairs in a hash reference, the syntax differs slightly from the first example.

    foreach my $key ( keys %{ $href } )
    print "key: $key, value: ${$href}{$key}\n";

    Perlreftut contains a more in depth explanation of Perl references.

  • Go Contacts vs Go Contacts Ex - What's the difference?
    September 8, 2011 - 2 minute read -
    android contacts go-contacts go-contacts-ex dialler

    I've previously posted about the benefits of using the custom Contacts/Dialer Android app Go Contacts. However there's also another version of the same app, by the same developers, available called Go Contacts Ex. Go Contacts Ex is a slightly tweaked version of the original with a few graphics updates.

    Both apps have a similar base feature set, with Go Contacts Ex only enhancing upon Go Contacts' visual appearance.

    Dial Pad

    Here is a comparison of the Dialler screens for Go Contacts and Go Contacts Ex. Both screenshots are taken with the included "Dark" theme.

    Go Contacts: Dialer

    Go Contacts Ex: Dialer

    Display Settings

    Go Contacts Ex includes a number of extra display options, including transition effects. Here's a comparison of the two and an example of Go Contacts Ex's transition effects.

    Go Contacts: Display Settings

    Go Contacts Ex: Display Settings

    Go Contacts Ex: Transition


    Other Differences

    • Go Contacts Ex allows you to set individual ring tones for each contact. (thanks D K)
    • Go Contacts 'merge' function allows you to specify the main contact in use. (thanks Untrusted0)/li>

    Both Go Contacts and Go Contacts Ex can be found for free in the Android Marketplace.

    If you've come across any other differences, please leave a comment below.

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